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Each category has a color.


<snaphblocks> Motion :: motion </snapblocks> Moves and rotates sprites on the stage.


Looks :: looks

Changes the appearance of sprites or the stage by editing costumes or showing speech balloons or thought bubbles.


Sound :: sound

Plays sounds, tones and waves.


Pen :: pen

Draws, on the stage, lines, circles, text and sprites. It can also stamp and fill a region.


Control :: control

Controls under what conditions different blocks run. All hat blocks are in control, as well as structures like if and while. Control contains call and run.


Sensing :: sensing

Detects things the user has done, like clicking and typing, and sprite collisions, and accesses sprite properties. Some hat blocks also detect things the user does, but they are all in control.


Operators :: operators

Calculates things (arithmetic, Boolean logic, and strings), like control but containing reporters instead of commands. Rings are also in operators.


Variables :: variables

Saves data for snap, sprites, scripts or blocks. The variables pane also contains other categories.


Lists :: list

Combines data into sequences that also function as a single object. Lists can be anonymous (meaning they do not need to be named or made like Scratch), input to variables and any other object.


Other :: other

There are no other primitives by default that is located at the spot. However, grey primitives are the warp block from control, the rings from operators and the script variables block from variables. Extension and codification blocks can be enabled with Extension blocks and Codification support from the settings respectively.

Library Categories

My own blocks

A SciSnap! category, intended for user's own blocks.

SciSnap! globals

Various actions about SciSnap! itself.

Math tools

Data tools

SQL tools

PlotPad for data plots

ImagePad for image operations

GraphPad for graph operations

NNPad for neural networks


The main category for TuneScope.




Obsolete replaces any block, primitive or custom that is in a project without its definition.